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Universal Wallet Infrastructure

Re-Defining User-Centric Business Models

We look forward to working and collaborating with like-minded early adopters and ecosystem partners to develop industry use cases and co-create future ready solutions. Join our Early Adopter or Partner-to-Build program to get early access and shape the UWI with us.

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UWI for Travel

Our Vision

Through UWI, we will redefine the digital landscape by placing users at the center and transforming how we engage across physical and digital experiences. We will unlock new possibilities for AI and create a more connected, secure and User-Centric world.


Brings together identity, money and objects across the physical and digital worlds.


Holds users' assets and information, providing ownership and agency to control what to share, with whom, and for how long.


Provides the tools to create, manage, store and exchange with trust on an interoperable, open standard and modular platform.

See Why UWI

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UWI is applied across various fields, helping businesses improve efficiency, optimize processes, and drive digital transformation.

Data Exchange SettlementData Exchange Settlement
Verifiable Credentials and TokensVerifiable Credentials and Tokens
Personalized Services & ExperiencesPersonalized Services & Experiences

Wallet Holder:

Holds, manages and shares their objects and data

Data Provider:

Generates the data, credentials or tokens into Holders' wallets

Data Consumer:

Requests or consumes the data, credentials or tokens from the Holders' wallets

Network Operator:

Governs and defines standards for an association of members in the ecosystem

Core Capabilities of the UWI

The Universal Wallet Infrastructure services work together to enable organizations and consumers to exchange information and value across trusted networks.

Wallet Administration and Solutions

SDK and APIs to integrate, embed and build a secure wallet.

Credential and Token Management

Functionality to integrate with enterprise platforms and create, transact, manage and analyze tokens and credentials.

Data Verification and Exchange

Privacy-preserving services that facilitate the exchange of data and value to personalize experiences and streamline user acquisition.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Ecosystem and governance management tools that ensure trust and compliance across network participants.

Trust and governance

Ecosystem and governance management tools that ensure trust and compliance across network participants.

See Full Capabilities